Faye Smith is a Make-Up Artist and Hair Stylist originally from the UK, currently residing in Vancouver. She has always excelled in art and knew that she would enjoy make-up artistry. Faye is now working as a freelance makeup and hair artist in all areas of the industry from beauty, bridal, photo shoots and fashion shows to films, commercials, musicals and much much more.
She is amazing at what she does, and has the drive to succeed. Faye has already worked on multiple fashion spreads in magazines, and I truly believe that there will be more to come!
I’m very happy that I was able to interview Faye for this feature 🙂 Enjoy!
Image Credits:
Vouture Magazine Cover
Makeup & Hair Artist-Faye Smith
Clothing Designer- Amanada Ventura
Photographer-Anthony Bortolussi
Model-Sarah Stephenson
Dresser-Jen Cameron
AVIVA: How long have you been a make-up artist/hair stylist?
FAYE SMITH: I began my training as a makeup and hair artist in England at the beginning of September 2008. I had my first job assisting my teacher on the set of an Opera in January 2009. So I guess I officially began my career almost 3 years now! Time certainly flies by these days!
AVIVA: What got you into make-up/hair artistry?
FS: I have always been most interested and achieved my highest grades in creative subjects such as art and design and textiles. I did my A-Levels in England so I could go to university if I want but the only thing I had interest in studying was art and I was a little worried about what I could actually do with an art degree in terms of a clear career path. I took a year off working a few different jobs while I did some part time courses; photography and makeup artistry. It all began there!
Image Credits/Queen:
Makeup & Hair Artist-Faye Smith
Photographer, Clothing Designer and Dresser-Nina Pak,
Model-Nicole Larson
AVIVA: What excites you about being a make-up artist/hair stylist?
FS: I absolutely love the fact that I work with new people every day. Every job is different. Every day is just as exciting!
AVIVA: Do you have any make-up artists that inspire you; if so, who?
FS: I guess most people would give you a huge celebrity name here but I would actually say my good friend, Christa Monroe. I was appointed the position of Key Makeup Artist for the film shooting and live performance of a musical named, “Sweet Mystery Musical”. I was given three assistant artists and Christa was one of them. Paying huge attention to hygiene and having an amazing personality meant I got along with her from the word go. We work together regularly now, refer clients to one an other and have become very good friend. She is well on her way into the movie industry and I admire her for that. The movie stuff is not easy! That’s for sure!
Image Credits:
Makeup & Hair Artist-Faye Smith
Photography-Lush Photography (now known as Sugar Creative by Melanie Jane)
AVIVA: What do you believe sets you apart from other make-up artists in the industry?
FS: Well I can certainly tell you I am giving it all I have got. I am trying to hard to get my name out there as much as I can. I maintain my website myself. I maintain my model mayhem, facebook, emails. It is a 24:7 job and I don’t ever stop thinking about makeup. I believe I give my clients a high quality service and also show them a good time. There is no good in having your makeup done if the person doing it doesn’t make you laugh.
Image Credits:
Special FX, Prosthetics, Makeup Artist, Hair Stylist, Clothing Designer & Dresser- Faye Smith
Photographer-Blanche Macdonald
Model-Charlene Sierakowski
AVIVA: If money/time were no object, where do you see your career going in 5 years?
FS: You know, I have no idea. I am literally taking every day as it comes and seeing where I go. I have no real target. I am literally just seeing what fate brings to me and working hard to draw it to me sooner rather than later.
AVIVA: What has been your greatest lesson learned as a result of your involvement in the beauty industry?
FS: Don’t let people walk all over you. In Vancouver especially, people really do use you. As a student, that was fine. I wanted the experience and would do anything for free. Now, I have to think about me and my needs. I cant spend $30,000 on training, $5,000 on a makeup kit, topping it up a cost of $500 a month and not get anything back for it.
AVIVA: What are some of your most notable credits/accomplishments?
FS: Multiple magazine spreads; Vouture, Urban Wedding, Vancouver View, Fashionberry. A few wonderful music videos, Rumi and Matthew David. I have worked with some amazing clothing designers such as Jacqueline Conoir on promo shoots and keying fashion shows. I have accomplished so much but have so, so far to go!
AVIVA: Do you have any additional comments?
FS: Just a thank you for contacting me and interviewing me for your blog! The more exposure the better. I wish you the best of luck in your modeling career and don’t forget about me! Send me emails every now and then. I often need to help hire models for various gigs. The more people you know, the better 😉
You can check out Faye Smith Makeup & Hair Artist here:
Website www.fayesmithmakeup.com
Email to hire: contact@fayesmithmakeup.com
Phone: 778-788-3552
Also, check out Faye’s Facebook Group
I would like to thank Faye for the interview, and I wish her continued success in her career!
Stay tuned for interviews, fitness tips, and much more!