Above: Marc Anthony national ad campaign
Kelleth is a professional model working out of Toronto, specializing in fashion, beauty, commercial, and runway modeling. She is currently represented by Next Model Management.
As a model, Kelleth is talented and versatile, in addition to having a great look. With several magazines and ad campaigns already under her belt, there is no question that her current success is only the beginning.
It is my pleasure to interview her for this post 🙂
AVIVA: How long have you been a model?
AVIVA: Have you always wanted to be a model or did you have other career options in mind when you were younger?
KC: As a child, I vacillated endlessly between being an actress/writer or a veterinarian. After high school, I pursued a degree in Social Work. I remember the first time I ever considered the possibility of modeling: I had just turned 16 and found myself appraising my appearance in the mirror differently one day. I had finally stopped wearing ten inches of chalk-white Halloween makeup a few months prior and had returned my hair to one uniform colour. I remember REALLY examining my face in the mirror (perhaps for the first time ever) and thinking “Interesting…so this is what I look like.”
Above: Urban Planet national ad campaign
AVIVA:What do you think is the best part about being a model and why?
KC: The opportunity for travel is a huge perk of the job. To be able to explore the world (and my place within it) while doing what I am most passionate about it is prodigious.
AVIVA: What achievement(s) are you most proud of? (publications, ads, etc.)
KC: I’m really proud of my campaigns for Urban Planet, Square One and Marc Anthony, as well as my covers for Auxiliary Magazine and Sessions Magazine. I also really loved my spread in the June 2010 issue of Plaid Magazine.
Above Image Credits: Artifice Clothing-Clothing Designer, Eusebia-Wardrobe Stylist, Richard Dubois-Photographer, Giancarlo Intini-Makeup Artist, Kelleth-Model
AVIVA: Other than your look, what else do you believe has been crucial to your success as a model?
KC: In an interview from 1980, Janice Dickinson talks about how it is vital for models to be well-educated. I used to harbour a slight sense of remorse over having pursued a degree at seventeen instead of immediately immersing myself into modeling. It is only in retrospect that I can really appreciate how much my education has actually helped me to bring more to the table as a model. My business savvy and my ability to network (as well as my embracing of social media) have been invaluable. I have developed a nearly unshakable self-confidence and have an enthusiasm for every job I work. I think that the respect that I have for everyone else’s job on set is apparent and helps others, in turn, to respect what I do.
AVIVA: What do you feel is the most important piece of advice to give to aspiring models?
KC: If I had to chalk it up to a single piece of advice, it would be to not fear looking silly. Take chances! Nothing ventured, nothing gained!
Above Image Credits: Alyson Gough-Makeup Artist, PhotoByWayne-Photographer, Decadent Designs-Clothing Designer, Kelleth-Model
AVIVA: Do you have any favorite models that you admire? If yes, who?
KC: My favourite models are mostly those of the 60’s and 70’s: Janice Dickinson, Lauren Hutton, Apollonia, and Gia Carangi. My favourite current models are Lara Stone, Jourdan Dunn and Crystal Renn.
AVIVA: What would you do if you won the lottery?
KC: Save it for my post-model life! Complete my Masters of Social Work! Drop off the face of the earth and write and publish a terribly gauche model memoir! Donate some to charity! Travel! Invest in real estate! Divide the rest between my family.
You can see more of Kelleth’s work on her NEXT Models Canada profile and Model Mayhem.
I would like to thank Kelleth for the interview, and I wish her all the best for many years to come!