Valid May 16/2011-Ongoing
According to the Federal Trade Commission, bloggers are required to disclose the ways in which they (try to) monetize their blogs.
Although FTC rules apply to blogs based in the USA, and mine is not (so legally, I don’t really have to disclose anything), I feel that it is only fair to my readers/users/visitors that I am transparent and honest when it comes to the ways in which I use this blog to make money, and/or/if/whether I receive free products/services or other forms of compensation.
1. Affiliate links. The majority of the links on this site that relate to products or retailer sites are affiliate links. From now on, I will be stating whether or not a link is an affiliate link at the bottom of each post. Be assured that every link to Amazon is definitely an affiliate link.
It does not cost you any more money (and you probably would pay less than retail) by using my Amazon/affiliate links to purchase whatever products you want/need.
Also understand that by using my Amazon Affiliate links, you are helping me improve this site (so that I could be able to pay my contributors, and afford to buy GIVEAWAY items for my readers), help fund my university education. So, your personal online retail therapy helps in many ways and any help is greatly appreciated. 🙂
2. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
The compensation received may sometimes influence the content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post may not always be identified as paid or sponsored content, although I will do my very best to make sure to identify any link/post that was compensated/sponsored.
3. Even if I received free gifts/products/services for review, I will not always be giving a positive review to the entity/company/person who sent/gave me them, nor am I obligated to do so.
4. Aviva, AH Life and Style, hold no liability for any negative consequences for the users as a result of any purchase or action taken after reading the content. You are reading the content at your own risk. I am not a doctor, so you should consult one before starting any serious weight loss/diet program.
Any tips that I post on any part of the blog are based entirely on my experience, education, and that of my contributors (and neither I nor my contributors are to be held liable for any unfavourable results).
Should you have a negative experience with any product/service mentioned on this site, you should take it up with the company/entity/person who provides such, and not AH Life and Style.
5. Copyright/etc. Images on this blog are copyright of the photographers/entities who own them. I do not claim ownership of any image on this blog, unless I specify that I took the picture. Articles are copyright of Aviva, or the contributor(s) specified in the byline credits. Contributors retain copyright of their own articles/images/other forms of content.
PS. Feel free to use this disclosure/disclaimer on your own blog and modify it as you see fit, just be sure to link back to AH Life and Style as the source.