Guest Post: 3 Easy Ways to Achieve Weight Loss By Targeting Body Fat

It is a lot easier to put on weight than it is to get rid of it; however, anyone who has the willpower and determination to get in shape can do so. Following are three simple tips that will help you target and eliminate unwanted body fat and get in shape.

Weight Loss Pills and Supplements

If you want to shed pounds fairly quickly, then using weight loss pills can be a good idea. These pills help to reduce your appetite while giving your body the energy it needs to go through the day. However, weight loss pills are not a permanent cure to obesity. These pills should only be for a limited time period and should not take the place of maintaining a balanced, healthy diet.

It is also a good idea to take Vitamin D supplements. A team of American and European researchers has recently found that a lack of Vitamin D can, over time, lead to obesity. If you are not able to get the Vitamin D you need naturally (by spending plenty of time outside in the sun) then you should take supplements. Unlike weight loss supplements, Vitamin D and other vitamins and minerals can be taken on a daily basis.

Eating Right

If you weigh more than you should, then you will probably need to make some drastic changes to your diet. Avoid processed foods, oily foods and junk foods, along with red meat and alcoholic beverages. Instead, stick to eating healthy, low fat foods such as whole grains, white meats, legumes and plenty of fruits and vegetables.

It is important to not go on a starvation diet. If you stop eating, your body will retain fat and slow the metabolism automatically because it thinks that you may be in danger of starvation. Eat three square meals a day and be sure you are getting plenty of food at each meal. You can also have several snacks throughout the day, as long as these are healthy, low fat foods such as fruits, vegetables, protein milkshakes, etc.

Exercise Tips and How To’s

Your body needs exercise, even if you are not overweight. Exercise speeds up the metabolism, boosts your immune system, reduces stress and enables you to sleep well at night. Ideally, you should exercise an hour a day; however, if you are not able to do so, then be sure to exercise at least three times a week.

Choose a form of exercise that you enjoy, as this will make it easier for you to make the time to work out on a daily basis. All forms of exercise help the body to burn fat and, contrary to popular misconception, no one form of exercise is better than another when it comes to weight loss. As Natural News notes, the body determines where to store fat and where to shed it from.

Tried and Proven Weight Loss Tips

These simple tips for weight loss are tried and proven. They work and will help anyone to get rid of unwanted weight and keep it off permanently. While there are many quick diet fads and schemes to be found both online and offline, only natural weight loss will ensure that you are able to get in shape and stay in shape without throwing off your metabolism or causing harm to your body.


Drew Littlejohns is in partnering with athletes and others together to help them achieve their goals from weight loss to muscle building. You can find him on facebook, Google+, and Twitter

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