Milovka is a Canadian-based company, which specializes in importing beautiful hand-crafted wool scarves from Russia. Milovka brings you the world’s finest handcrafted wool scarves and shawls. The company delivers high quality, unique product to their customers.
When I first looked at their website, I fell in love with some of the product immediately. My first thought was “Wow! So gorgeous!”
Being of Russian heritage, I really appreciate the beauty of the culture and the fashion that goes along with it.
The product is made from 100% finest quality wool, free from chemical processing so that it retains its texture. Their shawls are exquisite, and a joy to wear. The vivid colours of the summer brighten up the cold and grey winter days, with their bright and striking beauty.
If you are looking to stand out from the pack and add a new scarf to your collection, then you should definitely check out what Milovka has in store for you.
Accessory-conscious fashionistas who are interested in wearing something new and exciting with their outfit will love the scarves.
Not only that, but they will also have hats to commemorate the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi.