Author Archives: admin

Aviva’s Favorite Charm & Chain Bracelets

Charm & Chain (aff) has a lot of beautiful bracelets, necklaces and other jewelry. However, let’s start with the bracelets. Later on, I will be writing about some of my other favorites from Charm & Chain.

I looked through 243 bracelets, and with that in mind, here are my favorite 5 bracelets from Charm & Chain :

Above: Lena Cuff by DANNIJO. WHY? It is colourful, classy and sophisticated. With this bracelet, a plain boring outfit will have a dab of gorgeous colour that will definitely be noticed.

Above: Thin Citrine Cuff by Hassan Bounkit WHY? Personally, I like shiny stuff. At the same time though, this bracelet is not an “in your face” kind of shiny. It has just the right amount of shine.

Above: Champagne Dust Organic Hinge Bracelet, Warm Grey by Alexis Bittar. WHY? I think it would look good with some of my other accessories for shoots.

Above: Everyday Gold Bangle. WHY? Because it can add some substance to a casual outfit.

Above: Crystal Snake Chain Bracelet by Rachel Leigh WHY? I love it because it looks like a really cool braid, and I think that it can be used at shoots as well as for everyday wearing, provided that the outfit is appropriate?

What do you think?

***Images from the Charm & Chain website (aff)***

Markus Klinko+Indrani+Daphne Guinness=A++ Team

I am thrilled to be able to post the results of yet another great collaboration between amazingly talented celebrity photographers Markus Klinko & Indrani, and gorgeous Daphne Guinness. These images were shot for an advertisement for Barneys New York, and they look absolutely stunning.
When it comes to shooting, Markus & Indrani, and Daphne are an A++ team. I am definitely looking forward to seeing what the wonderful creative team will come up with next.
Earlier this year, I had the honour of interviewing Markus Klinko, and you can read the interview HERE.
You can also follow Markus & Indrani on FACEBOOK, check out their WEBSITE, as well as follow Indrani’s TWITTER, and Markus’ TWITTER.
Aviva 🙂

Interview with Arizona Fashion Model Michelle Mousel

Michelle Mousel is an amazingly talented fashion, runway, commercial, and editorial model from Arizona. She frequently works in Los Angeles and is represented by Ford Models. In addition to working with some of the best creative teams in the United States, she has traveled internationally for modeling.

Above: Michelle looking amazing on the cover of Nailpro Magazine.
Michelle has been published in several magazines, including: Seventeen Magazine (ad for TIGI in the USA),944 Magazine (ad for Sessy Clothing), Dillard’s (College wear), Runway Magazine (USA), YES Magazine (Arizona), PHOTO Magazine (France), Go Gilbert Magazine (Arizona), Kontakt Magazine(Arizona), Java Magazine, The Bund Magazine (Shanghai), UNIQ Magazine (Las Vegas), Life Dynamix Magazine, Chiffon Magazine, Nailpro Magazine, Beach Magazine, Faslife Magazine, Harlow Magazine, Neux Magazine, AZ Magazine, Impostor Magazine, Estetica Italia Magazine, Sedona Monthly Magazine, St1gMedia Magazine, Eliza Magazine, JETSET Magazine, and many more.
She has been able to land several covers, and has walked in a variety of runway shows, including for Dior.
In addition, she has been featured in many advertising campaigns worldwide.
It is my pleasure to have been able to interview Michelle for this post, and I hope that you enjoy her insights into the modeling world as much as I did.

Above Image Credits: Vanessa Perez (Makeup Artist), Abel Sandate (Hair Stylist), Marcus Hoffman (Photographer)

AVIVA: How long have you been modeling?
MICHELLE MOUSEL: Nearly 5 years.

AVIVA: Have you always wanted to be a model, or did you have other career goals when you were younger?
MM: I wanted to be a Marine Biologist but once I got the idea of modeling in my head I never let it go.

AVIVA: What achievements in your career are you most proud of? (publications, etc…)
MM: Magazine work. I’m always proud of it because I have a tangible piece of work I can go give to my mother. She’s my biggest supporter!

Above Image Credits: BTFL PEOPLE (Clothing Designer), Vaunn Yevo (Photographer), Michael Brent (MUA/Hair), Jewelry (Mai Collections) 

AVIVA: Do you remember how you felt at your first commercial shoot?
MM: My very first job, everything that could go wrong-did! I was shooting for Dillard’s and my clothes hadn’t finished drying, so I left to the job with a damp shirt and jeans, then it was an hour away in which I had trouble finding the location. I didn’t have a nude bra, so I got in major trouble for that. It was still my worst job to date! I was only 19 then and didn’t know anything.

Above Image Credits: (Photo) Tyrone Lavigne, (MakeUp) Eneli Voltein, (Wardrobe) Chanel Rene

AVIVA: Who/what inspires you as a model?
MM: My mom! She won’t allow me to give up and she thinks of innovative ways for me to become better and offers the best advice! She keeps me going when it’s most easy to just give up.

AVIVA: What piece of advice could you offer to models who are just starting out?
MM: Find a mentor! No amount of Internet searches can prepare you for the hardships of a career and no one else will have your best interest in mind. Everyone is out to take advantage of you somehow and you need someone, preferably an experienced model or industry professional, who can offer great advice and really wants you to succeed.

AVIVA: If you could meet any well-known person, who would it be and why?
MM: Jessica Stam. She is my favorite supermodel and it would be so interesting to see what she’s like in person!

AVIVA: Other than your look and fashion model stats, what other factor(s) have been crucial to your success?
MM: Personality. I truly think it’s the biggest factor! Being energetic, happy and grateful has gotten me repeat jobs with clients.

AVIVA: What would you do if you won the lottery?
MM: I would help my parents get out of debt. LOL! After doing luxury things with the extra I would attempt some humanitarian efforts.

AVIVA: Do you have any additional comments?
MM: For aspiring models, having the stats is only a small portion of being a successful model. If you really want to be the best at what you do, be the most fun, optimistic, exciting, intelligent person to be around and word of mouth will take you very far.


I would like to thank Michelle for this great interview, and I wish her all the best in the future.

You can see more of Michelle’s work on her WEBSITE , and check out her business profile on MY HEALTH NATION.


Interview with Playboy Model Lauren Vickers

I am very honoured to have been able to interview Australian-born model Lauren Vickers for this feature.

Above Image Credits: Photography by Jessica Abraham, Makeup by Susie Ayoub, Hair by Barbi Ayoub

She has been shooting for over 13 years and got her start as a fashion, editorial, and runway model. As she got older, she branched out into several different genres of modeling, such as glamour, commercial, beauty-and excelled. In addition to modeling, she does TV presenting and hosting.

Above Image Credits: Photography by Marty Lochmann, Hair/MakeUp by Simone Cozens

Lauren’s amazing beauty, attitude, talent and posing skills earned her the title of Playmate of the Year 2010 for Playboy Italia, as well as countless other magazine features and commercial work.

Above Image Credits: Photography by Anthony Adamson, Hair/MakeUp by Tricia Albulario

AVIVA: Have you always wanted to be a model, or did you have other careers in mind when you were younger?
LAUREN VICKERS: I wanted to be a vet when I was young, but I was allergic to cats (!) so I took up my second dream to be a model when I was given the opportunity at 11 years old.

Above Image Credits: Photography by Anthony Adamson, H&MU by Tricia Albulario

AVIVA: What inspires you as a model?
People and their amazing creativity. For the creatives of my shoots – I get inspired by clothes, photos, makeup, colours and textures. Then I look at all the people I admire who are doing so well in their chosen fields and think how I can apply that to my modeling.

Above Image Credits: Photography by Anthony Adamson, Hair/MakeUp by Tricia Albulario

AVIVA: What career achievement are you most proud of? (publications, etc)
There’s a few! Taking the big leap to model overseas, creating my own career path for myself without anyone’s help and of course working up to being selected as Playmate of the Year for Playboy Italia. I’m also proud of the reputation I have built for myself – the many years of hard work have paid off!

Above Image Credits: Photography by Edwin van Wier, H&MU by Linda van der Laan

AVIVA: What do you feel is the most exciting part about being a model and why?
I love that I get to constantly transform into new characters everyday. One day you can be an editorial geisha and the next day you can be an oiled up sex kitten – it’s so amazing to work with people who can take your ideas to another level, I’ll have some incredible work to look back on one day.

Above Image Credits: Photography by Alex Chailan and David Piolé

AVIVA: If you could meet any person (living or dead), who would it be and why?
I would just love to pick Elle Macpherson’s brain to see how she’s been so successful but still stayed so grounded all these years.

Above Image Credits: Photography by Danial Gowans, HairMakeUp by Erin Bigg

AVIVA: What are some of your other passions/interests?
I love an unusual mix of things; fashion, motorbikes and cooking.

Above Image Credits:Photography by Stig P

AVIVA: Other than having a great look, what else do you think has been crucial to your success as a model?
You need to learn to build a thick skin for yourself and to take every critique as an opportunity to better yourself. A good work ethic and a level head also goes a long way for your reputation which can win you jobs against other models who are just as beautiful.

Above Image Credits: Photography by Matt Pho

AVIVA: What piece of advice could you give to the aspiring models (who would be reading this)?
This industry can be trying at times, but if you keep at it, do your research, look after your body and embrace each new opportunity with a smile – you’ll go a long way!

Above Image Credits: Photography by Jessica Abraham, Makeup by Susie Ayoub, Hair by Barbi Ayoub

AVIVA:  Do you have any additional comments?
Thank you to everyone who enjoys seeing my work, your support means the world to me and keeps me motivated!

Above Image Credits: Photography by Luca Starace

I would like to thank Lauren for this interview. It was a pleasure! I wish her all the best for many years to come.

If you would like to see more of Lauren’s work, visit her website, Facebook Page, and Model Mayhem.

Above Image Credits: Photography by Luca Starace

South China Five Elements Holistic Centre (Victoria, BC) Review

A couple of weeks ago, I was invited by Leon Skender, one of the operators/practitioners of the South China Five Elements Holistic Centre, located at 2658 Fernwood Road to try out a Lymphatic Drainage Massage. In addition to lymphatic drainage massages, the clinic offers a variety of painless Ayurvedic medical services, which can be great alternatives to western medicine for some people.

When I first walked into the clinic, I was greeted by Leon and Dr. Wendy Linehan. Both were very friendly and service-oriented, and showed great care for everyone who walked in. The atmosphere was very relaxing and calm. Peaceful music was playing and I felt very comfortable when I was there. It definitely looked like it was built for relaxation. The reception room smelled great and I honestly believe that the incense helped clear my stuffed-up nose.

Upon my arrival, I was also served water and a strawberry-flavoured protein smoothie, which was great because I had just finished a workout.

This was my very first time getting a Lymphatic Drainage massage; not only that, I was still getting over a cold at that time. I was glad that Dr. Wendy explained to me that if I have a cold or a flu, I might feel worse immediately after, but that I would also get over the sickness a lot faster due to the cleansing nature of such a massage.

Both Wendy and Leon are very knowledgeable and experienced in this field. I learned a lot about health while I was waiting for my session.

The massage itself was great! Before my massage, I had lactic acid build-up from my intense workout 20 minutes before I got to the clinic. After the massage, I felt re-energized, re-charged, my sinuses were clear, and none of my muscles were sore. I was also given some immune boosters which I believe helped me get over my cold, because the next day, I did not feel sick at all!

In addition, after the massage, I was given 2 packets of K-OTIC Pre-Workout supplement, which I have yet to try (review to follow).

Sometime in the near future, I am looking forward to interviewing Leon and Wendy about their careers, their take on health, and more, so stay tuned for that.

All in all, I highly recommend that you book an appointment/consultation at South China Five Elements Holistic Centre (250-383-8136), and treat yourself to a relaxing, energizing, and healthy massage.
Happy Health!

Interview with Laura Ashton of Haute Pink Designs

Laura Ashton is a very talented clothing designer from Victoria, BC. She founded Haute Pink Designs in 2005 because she has always had a passion for creating unique and colourful pieces.

Haute Pink Designs has a beautiful selection of swimwear to choose from! Laura takes pride in constantly striving to further bring innovation into her designs.

I am honoured to have been able to interview Laura for this feature.

Above: Beautiful models Grace and Sophia rock Haute Pink Designs.

AVIVA:  What inspired you to become a clothing designer?

LAURA ASHTON: I became inspired by clothing at a young age, I am self taught and learned to sew by altering off the rack clothing to fit me better. I began making swimsuits when I was about 16….And have been hooked ever since!

AVIVA: Have you always wanted to be a designer, or did you want to do something else when you were younger?
LA: When I was a small child I lived in a remote logging town on the coast of northern Vancouver Island. So at the time I wanted to be either a Helicopter Pilot or a Tug Boat Captain…lol. However since then I have tapped into my creative roots and love working with spandex. Though I still like taking a chopper to a remote coastal island once in a while 🙂

AVIVA: Do you have any clothing designers that inspire you (if so, who)?
LA: Yes…there is a Montreal high end swimsuit designer that creates the most amazing swimsuits made here in Canada. The company is called Shan and they have achieved international success. I think it is very inspiring.

AVIVA: In your opinion, what is the most exciting thing about being a clothing designer?

LA: The most exciting thing is creating a new design and having it work out perfectly….then dreaming up any fabric combination you can think of, and of course having a ton of swimsuits in your personal collection to choose from.

AVIVA: What do you believe sets Haute Pink Designs apart from other swimwear companies?
LA: Haute Pink is the only local swimsuit label that offers the choice to customize any suit with whatever fabric combo you would like out of our fabric gallery and mix and match designs and sizes. There are endless options for the client to put their own touch on a one of a kind designer swimsuit.

AVIVA: What are some of your other passions/interests?
LA: I am also a botanical artist and am currently working towards a diploma in Botanical Illustration from the London Art College. I am very outdoor inclined and go hiking, biking and swimming. I also enjoy searching out and identifying the native plants of Vancouver Island.

AVIVA: If money/time were no object, what is your ultimate goal in the fashion industry?

LA: I would have a couple of store front Boutiques for Haute Pink as well as a Private Seaside studio. I would have more employees helping me with production and increase my wholesale clientele. I would pursue coverage in leading fashion magazines as well as the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit magazine.

AVIVA: Do you have any additional comments?
LA: One of the most satisfying things about creating swimsuits for clients is getting their happy feedback and knowing that they feel great in their swimsuit and have the option to create the kind of swimsuit they are looking for.
Currently I am working on a Summer 2011 line that features some more novelty designs that you would not be able to find in most stores. This should be launched some time in June.
I would like to thank Laura for this great interview, and I am looking forward to meeting her one day.
You can check out more of her work on the Haute Pink Designs WebsiteFacebook Page, as well as her page on Etsy.
Aviva 🙂

Promoting Yourself as a Model on Social Networking Sites

For freelance models, social networking sites are great for self-promotion.
Some sites are more appropriate for promoting yourself as a model than others.  (Please note that this post is based on my own personal experience with social networks).
A few things to remember before joining a social network as a model:

~Your modeling goals.

~Who you would like to meet.

~Why you want to model.

~Be realistic in your expectations.

The biggest issue with joining social networks as a model is that sometimes you will get offers from people that you don’t want to work with, which will end up wasting your time.

Another thing is that anyone can be anything on the Internet, and it is very important to test the legitimacy of every job offer that you get by doing a Google search of the person who sent you the email. You should also Google that email address to see what comes up. Legitimate people usually have email addresses in the format of and not (or gmail or hotmail).

Also, remember that legitimate fashion agencies do not send modeling offers via Facebook, Model Mayhem, Myspace, or other networking sites. You have to submit yourself to such agencies, and they have hundreds or even thousands of people like you submitting every day.

Two of the most popular social networks for models/photographers/clothing designers/make-up artists are and Additionally, there is also Ujena Talent (although there are not a lot of Canadian models/photographers on there).

There are also many websites which attempted to take the design of Model Mayhem and reproduce it. However, Model Mayhem is one of the first, and it has about 2 million members, so if anything, that is the one to focus your efforts on.

The idea of social networks is that you have to be…well, “social”. Which means that you should comment on people’s portfolios, pictures, use the forums (but don’t troll or create drama), express interest in working with people, and add them as friend.

If you join a networking site expecting that people will flock to you like crows to a piece of bread without any effort on your part, you are highly mistaken. These sites have a lot of members, and you have to stand out (in a good way) and be active to be noticed.

Myspace is, at this point in time, pretty useless for promoting yourself as a model. It worked for Christine Dolce when it first began, but that time is done. Now, Myspace is flooded with bands who spam your comments/messages and girls doing the duckface with self-shot pictures saying “Look at me! Add me!”. I have a Myspace account, but I can tell you that I have not booked any work through it. However, it has brought a little bit of traffic to my blog, so that’s why I haven’t deleted it yet.

DeviantArt is good for checking out other people’s work for inspiration and having a large watcher list means that your work gets seen by many people each time you upload something new. Although you may not book high paying shoots off it, it is OK for growing your web presence.

Facebook now allows almost anyone to create a “Business Page” where other Facebook users can “Like” it. (It used to be called a “Fan Page” but I don’t like to call it that). When you have a business page on Facebook, you will get a lot of traffic to your website and/or blog (which increases your search engine ranking, making it easier for people to find you), which can result in more shoots. For example, I saw a huge spike in blog traffic as a result of having a Facebook page, which is just one more place for my photos to get seen.

With a Facebook page, one of the key things that keeps people coming back and clicking on your links/pictures is frequent updates. When I say “frequent updates”, I don’t mean that you have to post every detail of your day on there (it’s not Twitter). One or 2 updates a day is good, or even one every 2 days. When you post an update, and a “fan” likes it, it will show up in all their friend’s news feeds, which creates more exposure for your page.

Twitter is very interesting because you can send out short, frequent status updates, and if your updates are interesting and appeal to the masses, then you can certainly develop a large following. With a large following, there is a greater potential that your portfolio links will get seen and clicked. Don’t just follow everyone on Twitter though. When you are looking for people to follow, make sure that you only follow people who have similar interests to you or who already follow some of the people that you are following. The reason for that is that they are more likely to follow you back.

Then, there are also niche-specific networking sites that can help you move in the direction of modeling that you would like to take. Some examples include sites that are dedicated to fitness models, bodybuilders, fetish models, bondage, and so on. I don’t know much about niche networking sites, although I do have an account on, just so I can read all the fitness and dieting tips, and see what’s new in the world of fitness.

In summary, with social networks, you get out what you put in. Just make sure that you are channelling your efforts into profiles that have the highest potential of being seen by whatever your “target market” is. I can’t tell you what your target market is, because that varies between models (and businesses in general). Use good judgement, and communicate with people who shoot/do what you want to shoot/do, and most importantly, have fun with it.

Do you have anything to add? Want me to expand on something? Let me know by commenting on the article.


Such a funky and stylish necklace from STYLEBOP!

This Silver/Black necklace from STYLEBOP really caught my eye, because when I was going through all the photos…I had to do a double take on it.

I have seen some pretty funky and interesting stuff, but this is just cool.

I can definitely see myself wearing it with a plain white shirt and jeans to enhance the look.

It definitely stands out, don’t you think?

***Image from STYLEBOP Website (aff)***

Practical Lingerie Set from the Playboy Store

This is a very practical lingerie set from

The reason why I say that this is a practical lingerie set is because I think that the colour combination is just right for regular use, as opposed to photoshoots/etc.

I also think that this is a very flattering set, and appears to push up the cups a little as well for extra support. I definitely like it.

Do you like this set? Would you wear it?

***Image is from the Playboy Store Website (aff)***

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